Oh My God!... (It Might Be Him)
Delivering a kooky psychedelic pop-rock shaped by the influence of the best from the 60s and 70s, from The Velvet Underground through to The Magic Mushrooms, soon to emerge all-girl band from Cork, OMGIMBH, are showing early promise.
Sir Lurkalot and Green For Go key in with all the right ingredients for spontaneity, frustration, euphoria, and spirited garage-pop psychedelia, and all of what pop-rock music should be about at its core. A band currently gigging the Cork area and writing new material in whatever spare time they have, both Sir Lurkalot and Green For Go are downloadable from their fledgling myspace on the net - and is a highly recommended visit for those keen to get in early on the act. 8/10.
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Delivering a kooky psychedelic pop-rock shaped by the influence of the best from the 60s and 70s, from The Velvet Underground through to The Magic Mushrooms, soon to emerge all-girl band from Cork, OMGIMBH, are showing early promise.

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