I've had the pleasure of discovering Roblammas some months ago on myspace, and the tracks have been steadily growing on me. There is very little of his material to go on as of yet, but in the few demos available so far, the songs tend to delve into distorted melodies at times, while at other times recline into shoegaze-ambience, although I would say the material is at its best somewhere in between these extremes. The stand-out Roblammas track is the song Daylglow. I would describe this as dusk music. Perhaps the sunset avatar currently on his myspace has just lent me to think of it in this way, but it does effectively capture a sense of inevitable loss, of the fading of warmer moments. It is a real gem.
While Roblammas is predominantly in the process of recording demos, he is also directly involved with You Are Not Safe, a fledgling indie label/entity in Dublin which has put on some shows recently in the Dublin area and is a promoter of Roblammas material. Dayglow and a couple of other demos are currently streamable from the Roblammas and You Are Not Safe myspaces. These are nice listens to say the least.
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